Week 3:  18 September to 22 September 2023

18 September 2023:

In Class:  Describing Velocity.  Graphing Motion.  Ch 9:  287-293.

Expectations:  Students will be able to graph motion and calculate the slope of graphs.

Due:  The Average Speed worksheet.

Homework:  Finish the Graphing Motion worksheet.  Here is the Graphing Motion Answer Key to help you.

19 September 2023:

In Class:  Distance vs. Time Graphs.

Expectations:  Students will create distance vs. time graphs and then solve for the slope (speed).

Due:  The Graphing Motion worksheet.

Homework:  Finish the Section 1 Review questions (1-4) on page 293.

20 September 2023:

No Class:  class does not meet Wednesdays.

21 September 2023:

Lab 1:
Average Walking Speed lab.

Expectations:  Students will measure distance and time then calculate speed.

Due:  Section 1 Review questions (1-4) on page 293.

Homework:  Finish the Average Walking Speed lab report.

22 September 2023:

In Class:  Guided Reading and Study Workbook pages 99-101.

Expectations:  Students will fill in the guided notes in their workbooks.

Due:  Average Walking Speed lab.

Note:  1st quarter ends 9 November 2023.