Week 27: 18 March to 22 March 2024
18 March 2024:
In Class: Review for the Unit 4 Exam.
Lab 24:
Finish data collection for the
Millikan’s Oil Drop Simulation Lab.
Expectations: Students will be able to solve problems involving conservation of momentum.
19 March 2024:
In Class: Begin Modern Physics: Introduction, Quantum Theory, and Energy of a Photon.
h = Plank's constant
f = frequency
c = speed of light in a vacuum
λ = wavelength
Expectations: Students will be able to solve energy and wavelength equation problems.
Homework: Pages 5:44-45 (1 – 6).
20 March 2024:
In Class: The Unit 4 Exam.
21 March 2024:
No Class: Physics does not meet on Thursday.
22 March 2024:
In Class: Models of the atom.
Expectations: Students will be able to describe and explain atomic models and energy levels.
Due: Pages 5:44-45 (1 – 6).
Homework: Pages 5:45-46 (7 – 15).
Note: 3rd quarter ends 5 April 2024.