Week 21: 29 January to 2 February 2024
29 January 2024:
No Class: inservice day.
30 January 2024:
In Class: Electromagnets.
Expectations: Students will be able to solve problems involving electromagnets.
Due: Page 3:145 (147).
Homework: Read Waves pages 4:1 to 4:4.
31 January 2024:
In Class: Practice Exam 3.
Expectations: Students are preparing for the Unit 3 Exam.
Due: Pages 4:81-82 (1 – 11).
Homework: Finish Practice Exam 3.
1 February 2024:
No Class: Physics does not meet on Thursday.
2 February 2024:
In Class: Review Practice Exam 3.
Expectations: Students are preparing for the Unit 3 Exam.
Due: Practice Exam 3.
Homework: Study for Unit Exam 3.
Note: 3rd quarter ends 5 April 2024.