Week 15: 11 December to 15 December 2023
11 December 2023:
In Class: Potential Differences:
W = work (electrical energy)
q = charge
Expectations: Students will be able to solve problems using the potential equation.
Lab 10:
Finish the data collection for the
Verifying Newton's 2nd Law Lab.
Expectations: Students will determine the relationship between mass and accelelation.
Due: Page 3:133 (42 – 45).
Homework: Pages 3:133-134 (46 – 59) and page 3:146 (151 and 153).
12 December 2023:
In Class: Conductivity and Electric Current:
Δ = change
q = charge
t = time
Expectations: Students will be able to solve problems using the current equation.
Due: Pages 3:133-134 (46 – 59) and page 3:146 (151 and 153).
Homework: Pages 3:134-135 (60 – 68) and page 3:146 (152).
13 December 2023:
In Class: Resistance (Ohm's Law):
V = potential difference
I = current
Expectations: Students will be able to solve problems using the resistance equation (Ohm's Law).
Due: Pages 3:134-135 (60 – 68) and page 3:146 (152).
Homework: Page 3:135 (69 – 72).
14 December 2023:
No Class: Physics does not meet on Thursday.
15 December 2023:
In Class: Graphing Ohm's Law.
Expectations: Students will be able to interpret graphs involving the resistance equation (Ohm's Law).
Due: Page 3:135 (69 – 72).
Homework: Page 3:136 (73 – 77) and page 3:146 (154).
Note: 2nd quarter ends 26 January 2024.