Week 8:  23 October to 27 October 2023

23 October 2023:

In Class:  Conservation of Momentum:

  • pbefore = pafter
  • pbefore = momemtum before
    pafter = momentum after
  • Expectations:  Students will solve conservation of momentum problems.

    Lab 3:
    Data collection and analysis of Speeding Cars Lab.

    Expectations:  Students will be able to use a spreadsheet to analyze distance and time data and to create graphs to find velocity.

    Due:  Pages 1:167-169 (237 – 252).

    Homework:  Pages 1:169-171 (253 – 259).

    24 October 2023:

    In Class:  The Pendulum:

    Calculating the period of a pendulum (Not on Reference Tables):

  • T = 2π√l/g
  • T= period
    π= 3.141 592 65
    l= length of pendulum
    g= acceleration due to gravity
  • Expectations:  Students are expected to be able to solve problems using the pendulum equation.

    Relationship between frequency and period (See Waves Table):

  • T= 
  • 1
  • T= period
    f= frequency
  • Expectations:  Students are expected to be able to convert period and frequency.

    Due:  Pages 1:169-170 (253 – 259).

    Homework:  Begin the T1S8 Practice Exam.

    25 October 2023:

    In Class:  Review for the Exam next week by going over the T1S8 Practice Exam.

    26 October 2023:

    No Class:  Physics does not meet on Thursday.

    27 October 2023:

    In Class:  Work:

  • W = Fd = ΔET
  • W= work
    F= force
    d= displacement or distance
    Δ= change
    ET= total energy
  • Expectations:  Students are expected to do work (or, at least, to solve work problems).

    Due:  Pages 1:169-170 (253 – 259) and finish the Free Fall Reaction Time Lab report.

    Homework:  Pages 2:49-50 (1 – 10).

    Note:  1st quarter ends 9 November 2023.