• Sunspots 7 May 2023
  • Sunspots 7 May 2023
  • Sunspots on a sunny May morning.
  • Date:  7 May 2023
  • FOV:  approximately 45' × 36'; the angular size of the sun is about 30'
  • Telescope:  Orion 127mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope (1540mm, f/12.1)
  • Guiding:  tracking only
  • Computer:  ASIair pro Raspberry Pi
  • Mount:  Orion Starseeker alt-az goto mount
  • Camera:  ZWO ASI071MC Pro Cooled (-10°C) Color CMOS with gain 240
  • Filter:  Thousand Oaks full aperture Solarlite safe solar filter
  • Stacking:  single frame
  • Total Time:  0.001 seconds
  • Processing:  Pixinsight — Debayer, HistoTransform, DynCrop/Scale.
  • Location:  My driveway in DeWitt, NY