• The Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex
  • Rho Ophiuchi
    Rho Oph Annotated image
  • M4 and Antares in Scorpius and the Rho Ophiuci Cloud Complex.
  • Hover over the picture for an annotated version
  • Date:  30 May 2024
  • FOV:  12° 38' × 8° 25'; the angular size of M4 is about 23'
  • Telescope:  Canon EF 75-300mm Telephoto Zoom Lens
  • Guiding:  tracking only
  • Computer:  ASIair pro Raspberry Pi
  • Mount:  iOptron CEM40
  • Camera:  Canon EOS Rebel T6s
  • Pixel size:  3.70 μm
  • Resolution:  7.888 arcsec/pixel
  • Filter:  no filter
  • Stacking:  one hundred and twenty 120 second frames using Pixinsight
  • Total Time:  4 hours
  • Processing:  Pixinsight – SPCC, DBE, SPCC, BlurXT, NoiseXT, Msk, GHS, HST,
  • PM Msk + GHS + HST, StarXT, Sat, PM screen mode, Scale
  • Location:  Darling Hill Observatory near Vesper, NY