• NGC 6838 or Messier 71 in Sagitta
  • M71
  • NGC 6838 is a small globular cluster of stars in Sagitta.
  • Hover over the picture for an annotated version
  • Date:  21 July 2022
  • FOV:  approximately 60' × 40'; the angular size of M71 is about 7'
  • Telescope:  Stellarvue SVX102T + SFFX-1 (714mm, f/7)
  • Guiding:  ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera,
  • Stellarvue F050G 50mm guide scope
  • Computer:  ASIair pro Raspberry Pi
  • Mount:  iOptron CEM40
  • Camera:  ZWO ASI071MC Pro Cooled (-10°C) Color CMOS with gain 240
  • Pixel size:  4.78 μm
  • Resolution:  1.334 arcsec/pixel
  • Filter:  Baader Light Pollution Moonglow filter with IR cut
  • Stacking:  Seventeen 240 second frames using Deep Sky Stacker
  • Total Time:  1 hour and 8 minutes
  • Processing:  Pixinsight – SPCC, DBE, SPCC, BlurXT, NoiseXT, HST, GHS, MStr
  • PMath Mstr + GHS + HST, HDR4, Sat, DynCrop/Scale
  • Location:  Darling Hill Observatory near Vesper, NY