• Messier 42, the Orion Nebula
  • M42 in Orion
    Annotated image
  • Messier 42, The Orion Nebula.
  • Hover over the image for an annotated view.
  • Date:  3 February 2024
  • FOV:  approximately 3° × 2°
  • Telescope:  Stellarvue SVX102T + SFFR.74 reducer (525mm f/5.25)
  • Guiding:  ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera,
  • Stellarvue F050G 50mm guide scope
  • Computer:  ASIair pro Raspberry Pi
  • Mount:  ZWO AM5
  • Camera:  ZWO ASI6200MC Pro Cooled (-10°C) Color CMOS gain 100
  • Pixel size:  3.76 μm
  • Resolution:  1.478 arcsec/pixel
  • Filter:  Baader Semi-Apo filter (moon, light pollution, flare)
  • Frames:Three data sets, all from 3 February 2024
  • 50 × 240 seconds × 100 gain,
  • 27 × 60 seconds × 100 gain,
  • 29 × 15 seconds × 100 gain,
  • added with HDRComposition in Pixinsight
  • Total Time:  3 hours 54 minutes 15 seconds
  • Calibration:  20 flats, 20 dark flats, and each session has 20 darks
  • Processing:  Pixinsight – SPCC, DBE, SPCC, BlurXT, NoiseXT,
  • GHS, HST, MStr, PixelMath MStr + GHS + HST → PM,
  • HDR8_9 blend, Sat, Scale
  • Location:  Cherry Springs State Park near Coudersport, PA