Week 32:  29 April to 3 May 2024

29 April 2024:

In Class:  Introduction to Oxidation and Reduction.  (Chapter 9:1 to 9:3)

Expectations:  Students will be able to identify oxidation and reduction elements in a reaction.

Due:  The Indicators worksheet.

Homework:  Finish the Introduction to RedOx worksheet.
Here is the Introduction to RedOx Key to check your work.

30 April 2024:

In Class:  Review of assigning oxidation numbers.  (Chapter 9:5 to 9:6)

Expectations:  Students will be able to assign oxidation numbers to elements in a compound or element.

Homework:  Finish the Oxidation Numbers Review worksheet.
Here is the Oxidation Numbers Review Key to check your work.

1 May 2024:

In Class:  Chemistry does not meet on Wednesday.

2 May 2024:

Lab 28:  Make a standard NaOH solution and do a trial run for the Standardizing NaOH Lab.

Expectations:  Students will be able to titrate acids and bases and use the titration equation.

3 May 2024:

In Class:  RedOx Reactions.  Oxidizing and Reducing Agents.  (Chapter 9:3 to 9:5)

Expectations:  Students will be able to identify oxidizing and reducing agents.

Due:  The Oxidation Numbers Review worksheet.

Homework:  Finish the Oxidizing and Reducing Agents worksheet.  Here is the Oxidizing and Reducing Agents Key to help you.

Note:  Blue and Gold Day, May 31, 2024.  Final Exams:  June 10-13, 2024.