Week 21: 29 January to 2 February 2024
29 January 2024:
No Class: Inservice Day.
30 January 2024:
In Class: Calculating mass from moles and moles from mass. (Chapter 5:20 to 5:21)
gram-formula mass
Expectations: Students will be able to calculate mass mole problems.
Due: The Percent Composition Worksheet and the Empirical and Molecular Formula Worksheet.
Homework: Finish the Moles and Mass Worksheet. Here is the Moles and Mass Answer Key to help you.
31 January 2024:
No Class: Chemistry does not meet on Wednesday.
1 February 2024:
Lab 17a:
Complete the data collection for the
Precision in Volumetric Measurement Lab.
Expectations: Students will be able to explain why volumetric glassware (or any instrument) should be calibrated.
Due: The Moles and Mass Worksheet.
2 February 2024:
In Class: Data analysis using a spreadsheet for Lab #17: Precision in Volumetric Measurement Lab in a spreadsheet.
Expectations: Students will be able to recommend appropriate sample sizes for given instruments.
Homework: Finish the Precision in Volumetric Measurement Lab in a spreadsheet.
Note: 3rd quarter ends 5 April 2024.