Week 3: 18 September to 22 September 2023
18 September 2023:
In Class: Significant Figures PowerPoint.
Expectations: Students will be able to identify the correct number of significant figures in a number.
Due: Percent Error worksheet.
Homework: Finish the Significant Figures worksheet. Here is the Significant Figures Answer Key to help you.
19 September 2023:
In Class: Significant Figures and Mathematics PowerPoint.
Expectations: Students will be able to convert between decimal and scientific notations and use scientific notation in mathematical operations. Students will be able to write numbers to the correct precision (number of significant digits).
Significant Figure Calculations Worksheet. Here is the Significant Figure Calculations Answer Key to help you.
Dimensional Analysis (Conversion Factors) PowerPoint.
Expectations: Students will be able to use conversion factors and unit cancellation in calculations.
Due: Significant Figures worksheet.
Homework: Finish the Unit Conversions Worksheet. Here is the Unit Conversions Key to help you.
20 September 2023:
No Class: Chemistry does not meet on Wednesday.
21 September 2023:
Lab 2:
Complete the data collection for the
Measuring and Precision Lab.
Expectations: Students will be able to explain the relationship between instruments and significan digits.
Students will be able to use and read mechanical balances and graduated cylinders and record data to the proper number of significan figures.
Lab Report: Formal lab due on Tuesday.
22 September 2023:
In Class:
Scientific Notation and Percent Error Worksheet.
Here is the
Scientific Notation and Percent Error Key to help you.
Finish data analysis for Lab #2 using a spreadsheet.
Expectations: Students will be able to describe instrumental precision based on the range of experimental data.
Due: The Unit Conversions Worksheet.
Note: 1st quarter ends 9 November 2023.